Announcement: New Paid Tier with Vlogs Like How Christy Carlson Romano Does Except I Won't Be Walking Around I Will Be Sitting I Think
Hi. Wow. Firstly: how are you, girl???? Secondly, this isn’t an official post and doesn’t count as like, part of my Substack. It is not canon nor is it part of my oeuvre. I am just letting you KNOW that next week I am going to start a paid tier wherein I will make vlogs weekly like how Christy Carlson Romano does. I think in these vlogs I will talk a lot about what I am watching and anything I am thinking about that I don’t feel like writing down. I am also going to write one long form piece each month that will be only for the paid tier. I am going to keep writing weekly posts for free but if I miss one I am actually not going to feel bad!!!! I hope that VARIETY picks up this amazing story. Ok that is it, I hope everyone is having an amazing day and now more than ever I am wishing a huge “happy Birthday” to Virgos everywhere!!!
OK absolutely corporate KING. Can't wait to join!
Take my money you absolute legend